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When I was growing up my Mom wore a pair of pewter scarecrow people on her coat all the time. I was always fascinated by them and when I grew up Mom had a pair of scarecrow people made in pewter for all her 3 girls. I was fortunate enough to also get the original pair that are shown above in a pic. Now I can wear the pins on two of my jackets and also wear my matching earrings.


I woke one night and knew I had to draw and illustrate these pins for others. I've taken some liberty with this pair and added a hat for the male scarecrow and put a bow on the female scarecrow.


I wear both of mine on my left ear and they make a lovely clacking noise when I move my head. I love them!


At 2 inches long they weigh a total of 5 grams so they are very lightweight!

Scarecrow People 2

SKU: E565
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